Rich Buckman

Rich Buckman


Rich Buckman

Rich Buckman was a 4th year apprentice working for A & E Fire Protection. He was in the process of working towards his sprinkler journeyman’s license through the AFSA Online training program. With ample residential construction experience he was a great fit for our residential division. Rich was able to produce his certificates of completion for his AFSA training which allowed us to direct enter him into our apprenticeship program as a 4th year apprentice.


After placement with a local 550 signatory contractor in 2019, Rich began working towards completion of his apprenticeship training. He has worked on several large-scale residential developments and has done excellent. Rich has now completed his apprenticeship training and is a licensed journeyman. He thrived with the training opportunities available at our state-of-the-art education center. With the wages Rich is now earning he has been able to get out of the debt he was in before joining the local and is working towards buying his first home. Rich has become an asset to his employer and is an active member in our local union.

Non-Union Apprentice Joining 550

Positive Changes

Financial Stability

Final Thoughts

Jobsite Safety