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SHAME ON SHIELDS MRI - (10/18/2012)

October 16, 2012
Dear Brothers and Sisters:
Yesterday, hundreds of union construction workers, including a busload of our own, gathered at the gates of the “topping off” ceremony at the newest Shields Healthcare Group MRI Facility in Dedham. We were not gathered to celebrate with President Tom Shields, Jr. and Ajax Construction, the non-union subcontractor who did the project, but to protest and call attention to the continued use of non-union, substandard labor by Shields in the construction of their facilities. After many hours of negotiations between Shields and the Building Trades, Shields still chose to use open shop contractors for the facility.
A & E was selected for the Fire Protection. There is irony there….Shields is a health care provider and
A & E does not provide healthcare coverage for their employees.
Shields has been a provider of MRI services for our local for years and was on our in-house of In-Network MRI Facilities; many of our members are patients who have spent their hard-earned money with them, but that carried no weight in our negotiations. That is why I have removed them from our list of In-Network providers and why I am asking you to voluntarily refrain from using Shields Healthcare services in the future. (Please note that Shields is still listed as an In-Network provider by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Illinois).
Financial pressure may have some positive impact in the future. If it doesn’t have the desired effect, by spending our money elsewhere we are at least depriving Mr. Shields of a little spending money.
Thank you for your cooperation, as ever, I remain……
Fraternally yours,
Peter Gibbons
Business Manager
Financial Secretary/Treasurer

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